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About Lantz Family
About the Lantz Family

The Lantz family serves together as missionaries with Back2Back, an organization committed to being the voice of orphans and seeing every child have the opportunity for success through individualized, holistic care.​ Jeremy works as the Employee Relations Director, with a focus on selecting, training, and supporting over 350 multi-national staff worldwide.

Caitlin was involved with Back2Back in its early years, serving as an intern and going on many mission trips. Jeremy and Caitlin met at Hillsdale College, knowing they each had a call to foreign missions. Together led led short term international trips annually through New Covenant Christian Church, where Jeremy was ordained  and worked as a Pastor of Youth and Outreach for nine years. In 2011 Jeremy and Caitlin moved to Africa with 3 children to serve with Iris Global, led by Heidi and Rolland Baker. They lived in the bush of Mozambique for one year before relocating to Madagascar to help pioneer a new Iris base focused on children's care.

In 2015 pregnancy complications brought the family back to the USA for the birth of a premature child. Although she has improved, medical conditions required them  to stay in the USA. During this transition, Jeremy completed his MBA with a concentration in Organizational Development, and the Lord brought them again to Back2Back. They are now based in Ohio and working to grow the ministry strategically to continue in depth of care and increase the breadth of impact.

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Our Connection
About Back2Back

Back2Back was founded in 1997 by Beth and Todd Guckenberger. It is a Christian non-profit ​organization dedicated to being the voice of the orphans and vulnerable children. They provide individualized, holistic care that meets the spiritual, physical, educational, emotional, and social needs of children so they can overcome their life circumstances and break free from the cycle of poverty.

Currently, Back2Back operates in Mexico, Haiti, Nigeria, India, and the United States. Each base stands "back to back" with local directors and caregivers in order to empower them to provide life changing care to children. Through their programs, children learn to be dependent on Christ, interdependent in their community, and dependent in adulthood.

Visit the Back2Back website.

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